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Please read these terms of use carefully. By confirming and payment of a booking with Sun And Moon, you acknowledge that you accept all these terms.

Sun And Moon may change these terms at any time without notice.


Users are responsible for the safety and suitability of our services and products. Services and products provided by Sun And Moon are not intended to provide medical advice, intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Each person's health conditions are different and the way you react upon receiving any treatment or product may be different. Users are advised to consult with healthcare professionals on selecting the appropriate treatment or product.


You may cancel or reschedule your appointment in advance with no penalty within the following hours, otherwise the total amount will be charged / payments made for treatments are non-refundable :

For Mon-Fri's Booking, cancel within 24 hours
For Sat, Sun and Public Holiday's Booking, cancel within 48 hours



1. Locations which are not in our free service zone will be additional charged.

2. For service location which requires our staff to walk up by steps (five step as one storey, less than five steps are also counted as one storey), we shall have a service charge per storey and per head.

3. If it is not stated at the time of the reservation that the service locations need to take the stairs, staff may charge on the spot or cancel the reservation service.

4. We reserves the right to accept or not accept guest reservations on a case-by-case basis.

Currently we are unable to serve clients with the following conditions:
(1) Pregnancy; (2) Severe skin disease; (3) Heart disease; (4) Hypertension; (5) Retinal detachment; (6) Severe neck and back injuries; (7) Severe injuries; (8) Serious illness; (9) or have recently undergone a surgical procedure.  Should a client suffer from any of these conditions they must inform Sun and Moon at the time of booking. If the client does not disclose information about these underlying conditions, Sun and Moon are not liable for any injuries or adverse effects as a result.

*The appointment time is the start time of the treatment.  Please allow at least 15 minutes before the start of treatment for us to prepare tools.
*Client should arrive at least 15 minutes before the scheduled appointment time. Treatment time will be shortened accordingly and the original booking fee will be deducted if you are late.
*It is recommended not to eat within one hour before the treatment. 
*Please inform us of any injuries or health conditions before the treatment.
*Please consume a sufficient amount of water after massage to hydrate.

If you choose an aroma oil treatment, please seek clearance from a physician to receive this type of massage service. People who suffer from all types of allergies such as (but not limited to) skin, respiratory, hypertension, hypotension should exercise caution and take this treatment at their own risk. We also provide fragrance-free organic Jojoba oil for those who are sensitive to aroma oil.

Sun and Moon may change the terms and conditions without notice.





如有任何更改/取消預約,星期一至五的預約 : 請於至少24小時前通知我們,星期六日及公眾假期的預約 : 請於至少48小時前通知我們,請於上述指定時間內通知取消/更改行程,否則需要扣減該項療程費用~


1. 不在我們免費服務區的地點將收取額外費用。

2. 如服務地點需要上落樓梯級(五級梯為一層,不足五級亦當一層計算) ,本公司將收取上落樓梯費,以每層及每位客人計算,請先咨詢有關樓梯附加費。
3. 如預約時沒說明需要行樓梯, 職員或會在現場收取樓梯費,或取消預約服務。

4. 本公司有權視乎個別情況而決定接受或不接受客人預約。

孕婦及病人、嚴重皮膚病,心臟病、高血壓、視網膜脫落、頸背嚴重損傷者 、嚴重受傷、重病或接受手術後之人士 (如客户於預約時有所隱瞞,後果一律由客戶自行承擔)
* 預約之時間為療程開始之時間,請於療程開始前預留至少15分鐘予我們準備工具
* 敬請提早15分鐘到達,遲到將會扣減按摩時間並會扣取原定預約療程費用;
* 建議於療程前一小時內不進食
* 請於療程前告知你的任何傷患及健康狀況
* 按摩後請保充適量水份
* 如選用香薰精油,客人於療程前應自行核實任何有關資訊或尋求專業人士意見。過敏症患者、皮膚敏感者、呼吸系統敏感者、高血壓患者、低血壓患者如參加此療程,須自行承擔所有風險。(本店另有無香料有機荷荷巴油提供與對香薰敏感之人士使用)



Sun and Moon Massage reserve the right of decision in case of any dispute.

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